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Is Cheese Fattening?

American Cheese: 130 calories per slice. Cheddar Cheese: 113 calories per sice. Swiss Cheese: 106 calories per slice. Let’s look at the facts.  It contains a large source of calcium, protein, Vitamin B-12 & A.  Also Phosphorous, Zinc, and Riboflavin.  However, it does contain fat and other things lets look at American Cheese per slice: Due to…

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American Cheese: 130 calories per slice.

Cheddar Cheese: 113 calories per sice.

Swiss Cheese: 106 calories per slice.

Let’s look at the facts.  It contains a large source of calcium, protein, Vitamin B-12 & A.  Also Phosphorous, Zinc, and Riboflavin.  However, it does contain fat and other things lets look at American Cheese per slice:

  • 103.8 Calories
  • 1.4g Carbs
  • (1.4g net carbs)
  • 20% sodium (salt)
  • 8.7g Fat
  • 5.1g Protein

Due to it’s high fat, sodium, and calorie content it can be.  We advise eating it in moderation and obviously you shouldn’t over indulge in it.  Because it contains lots of protein and other necessary vitamins it isn’t terrible for you but should be eaten in small amounts to avoid the negative impacts it can have.

Is Cheese Fattening, Or Good For You?

This is a tricky question because one case study would prove cheese is fattening.  Also, another one will show that it proves it isn’t fattening.  One thing we know for sure is it is high in calories and fat, however it also has a lot of protein and other essential minerals & vitamins.  So our advice is to eat it sparingly and avoid mass consumption of cheese as with any food too much can be harmful to your weight loss efforts as well as your health.

Should I Eat Cheese For Losing Weight?

Well depending on the situation would answer that question.  While hiking or physical activity you need a lot of protein and cheese definitely contains that!  However, because of it’s high fat content and sodium (salt) it isn’t great for you to be massively consumed.  So you should eat sparingly amounts if you are trying to lose weight.  Not all fat is bad!

Like most dairy products cheese is high in fatty acids which has been linked to helping with type 2 diabetes.  So is cheese fattening? The truth it can be, however it is packed with essential vitamins and can be very nutritious.

Having Trouble Finding The Answer To Is Cheese Fattening?

You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help!

So is cheese fattening? It definitely is not fattening for humans; it is just that it can make your body overheat. When you eat too much, it makes your body turn to fat as a fuel source, which then leaves your body much more susceptible to the heat.

The problem with cheese is that milk fat is not as easily converted into energy, so it causes your body to utilize its own fat stores for energy instead. When your body can’t use that fat for energy it turns to stored fats as a result.  So exercise is key when eating cheese.

This is why when you lose weight after a exercisesession, you tend to keep most of that weight off because you have been converting fat to energy.

Your body is now burning fat as fuel instead of muscle tissue; this is healthy for your overall health. Once you realize that you are putting on weight by eating cheese and other dairy foods, you can alter your fitness routines to help turn that fat into fuel. That would be the first step in burning fat and bettering your diet altogether.

So is cheese fattening? Probably not, but the effects can be unhealthy. You could end up putting back a few pounds on in the process if you are not staying active.

Our Conclusion 

It can be, but if eaten in moderation and with exercise the fat isn’t an unhealthy one and can be easily converted to energy thus keeping you active without feeling burnt out.  Like any food key is how much you consume.

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