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The Ultimate Guide to Best Supplements for Bloating [2024]

Bloating is an uncomfortable feeling that can happen to anyone. It occurs when you have gas in your stomach or intestines, causing a swelling sensation. The usual culprit is overeating but it can also be caused by eating certain foods or even when you are stressed or anxious. It can also be caused by injury…

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Bloating is an uncomfortable feeling that can happen to anyone. It occurs when you have gas in your stomach or intestines, causing a swelling sensation. The usual culprit is overeating but it can also be caused by eating certain foods or even when you are stressed or anxious. It can also be caused by injury to the gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract).

We have compiled the ultimate guide to the best supplements for bloating relief in 2024. With these game-changing remedies, you’ll be ready to banish bloating and reclaim your comfort in no time.

Key Takeaways

  • This guide provides an overview of supplements that can help relieve bloating and improve digestive health.
  • Consider ingredients, dosage, form and cost when selecting a supplement from a reliable company for optimal results.
  • Making lifestyle changes such as modifying your diet, engaging in physical activity and managing stress levels may also reduce symptoms of bloating.

There are many different ways people try to stop bloating from happening but not all of them work for everyone! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best supplements for bloating. We’ve also included tips for gut support and wellness.

Understanding Bloating: Causes and Symptoms

Bloating is a sensation of fullness or tightness in the abdomen, often due to gas or other digestive disturbances. Common causes of bloating include overeating, food intolerances, and digestive disorders. Occasional bloating symptoms range from a feeling of tightness in clothing to abdominal discomfort while lying down. Finding the triggers of your bloating symptoms is a significant step towards selecting the right supplements or remedies for improved digestive health, while being mindful of potential side effects.

Food intolerances, gut dysbiosis, and stress are just a few factors that can contribute to bloating. When bloating persists despite home remedies and causes digestive discomfort, it is recommended to seek professional medical advice. But before you reach that stage, let’s explore the top supplements for bloating relief that can make a significant difference in your daily life.

Top Supplements for Bloating Relief

The comprehensive list below features top supplements that have been found effective in alleviating discomfort and enhancing overall gut health, particularly for those dealing with irritable bowel syndrome. Each supplement targets bloating in a unique way, from promoting healthy bowel movements to supporting digestion.

We’ll delve into each supplement’s details to understand its role in combatting bloating.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms naturally present in the digestive tract that promote digestion and immune system health. They can help reduce bloating and other intestinal issues by producing digestive enzymes that break down carbs, fibers, and proteins for easier digestion.

Various probiotic supplements offer features such as:

  • a two-month trial period
  • a shelf-stable bottle
  • acid-resistant capsules
  • natural herbs

These features ensure that you find the perfect supplement tailored to your needs. Maintaining a balanced and healthy gut bacteria through probiotics contributes to optimal health and aids in preventing bloating.

If you don’t like the taste of yogurt, there are probiotic supplements that you can take orally to combat bloat. Like yogurt, probiotic capsules can promote and support gut health by upping the good bacteria that aid in digestion.

Having bacteria in the gut is normal. They help break down certain carbohydrates. During this process, they produce two byproducts – short-chain fatty acids and gas. And, some bacteria strains are gassier. Once they outnumber the less gassy ones, feelingness of bloatedness will start to kick in. This is where probiotics or the “good bacteria” are beneficial because they equalize the bad ones.

Kefir yogurt and chia parfaits. Kefir is one of the top health foods available providing powerful probiotics. Extreme shallow depth of field.


Prebiotics offer numerous benefits for digestive health, such as:

  • Aiding gut health and supporting the digestive system
  • Optimizing digestion
  • Relieving constipation
  • Augmenting nutrient absorption
  • Controlling blood sugar levels
  • Strengthening the immune system

They promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can help improve digestion and reduce the production of gas, a contributing factor to bloating.

Prebiotics are different from probiotics, but both aid in proper digestion to combat bloating. So, what’s the difference? Prebiotics supports probiotics. They (a dietary fiber we can’t digest) are food for good bacteria. In return, they stimulate good bacteria growth!

You can get prebiotics from food such as oats, asparagus, and banana. But, like probiotics, you can get prebiotics in capsule form.

Biotics 8, Unbloat, Culturelle Advanced Regularity Probiotic, and Nuven Naturals Gut Health are considered the most effective prebiotic supplements for bloating relief. Prebiotics nourish beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, thereby offering foundational support for overall digestive health.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are naturally-occurring substances that facilitate the breakdown of food for improved digestion. Aiding in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can be beneficial for reducing bloating and gas. These nutrients can be easily digested when broken down..

Some of the available digestive enzyme supplement options include:

  • Source Naturals Essential Enzymes
  • MAV Nutrition Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics
  • Solluna by Kimberly Snyder Feel Good Digestive Enzymes
  • Microbiome Labs Fodmate
  • Care/of’s Digestive Enzymes

When selecting a supplement, consider any dietary restrictions, such as vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free options.

Incorporating enzymes to support digestion can be an effective strategy to combat bloating, leading to a comfortable, gas-free day.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is known for its ability to relax stomach muscles, which can be beneficial in cases of slow digestion or bloating caused by gas in the bowels. The main compound in peppermint, menthol, provides a cooling sensation that can help reduce bloating and gas.

The recommended dosage for peppermint oil for bloating relief is 0.2ml to 0.4ml, administered three times daily. Incorporating peppermint oil into your daily routine may offer soothing relief from bloating and gas discomfort.

No peppermint oil? Check the cupboards for Peppermint Tea instead! – Drinking peppermint tea also alleviates abdominal pain caused by excess gas in the belly. How? Well, this herbal drink contains natural oil that relaxes the digestive system and expels gas. Plus, it helps with weight control because it accelerates metabolism

closeup of fresh mint tea, surrounded by fresh mint

Ginger Root

Ginger root is known to induce a state of relaxation in the intestines, thus facilitating the passage of food and accelerating digestion. This can be beneficial in alleviating bloating after meals. The natural component, gingerol, is responsible for these benefits.

The suggested dosage for ginger root supplements to reduce bloating is 2 to 4 grams of fresh root daily, or 0.25 to 1 gram of powdered root daily. Integrating ginger root into your daily regimen could help minimize bloating and optimize digestive health.

Ginger Root contains over 400 biochemical compounds, many of which are attributed to gut health and digestion. As a matter of fact, ginger aids in regular bowel movement because it is a prokinetic agent. Ginger supplements are usually in powder form, but you can also find ginger capsules.


Fennel has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relax intestinal muscles, release trapped gas, and provide bloating relief. It is a popular natural remedy for digestive disorders such as abdominal pain and constipation, and consuming fennel seeds, either chewed or as a supplement, can help provide relief from bloating.

Nature’s Way Fennel Seeds supplement provides digestive support when needed, with each serving containing 1,100 mg of fennel. Including fennel in your daily regimen could offer an effective solution to bloating and digestive discomfort.

Lactase Enzyme

Lactase enzyme aids in relieving bloating by breaking down lactose, the sugar present in milk and dairy products. This enzyme helps individuals with lactose intolerance digest lactose more efficiently, thus decreasing symptoms such as bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort.

Popular lactase enzyme supplements include:

  • Lactaid
  • Best Naturals Lactase Enzyme
  • CVS Health Dairy Relief
  • Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula
  • Kirkland lactase caplets

Supplementing with lactase enzymes allows those with lactose intolerance to enjoy dairy products without worrying about bloating and discomfort.

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk is a dietary fiber source that promotes regular intestinal transit and assists in alleviating bloating by softening stools. The recommended dosage for psyllium husk for bloating relief is 5-10 grams with meals, at least once a day.

To consume psyllium husk, follow these steps:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of finely ground psyllium husk with at least 8 ounces of liquid.
  2. Take it once a day in the morning.
  3. Make sure to drink plenty of water when taking psyllium husk to reduce the risk of gas and bloating.

Incorporating psyllium husk into your daily routine may enhance regular bowel movements and reduce bloating.

Like prebiotics, we can’t digest psyllium husk but it’s also great for gut health. When you take psyllium husk, usually in powder form, it soaks up water in your stomach. Before you panic, it’s actually a good thing. By increasing the bulk of the stool, it’s easier for the bowels to move and prevent constipation which causes bloating. Moreover, psyllium is prebiotic which means you are also providing food for the good gut bacteria.


Chamomile has been known to reduce gas accumulation, relax muscles in the digestive tract, and promote digestive health. The active components of chamomile include apigenin, levomenol (α-bisabolol), and its oxides.

Consuming chamomile for bloating relief can be achieved by:

  • Drinking a cup of chamomile tea, which may help relieve gas and reduce bloating
  • Using chamomile essential oil in a diffuser or diluted in a carrier oil for aromatherapy benefits
  • Taking chamomile supplements in capsule or liquid form

With its calming properties, chamomile offers a natural solution to gastrointestinal issues.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a special form of carbon. It has been processed to give it a highly porous structure. It works by trapping and absorbing excessive gas in the intestines, providing relief from bloating and discomfort.

A clinical trial demonstrated that activated charcoal reduces gas production and symptoms of bloating, as well as abdominal cramps. The recommended dosage for activated charcoal for bloating relief varies, but it is advised to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dosage recommendations.

When taking activated charcoal, ensure that it is administered at least two hours apart from other medications and supplements to avoid any potential interactions.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is beneficial for the gut microbiome and immune system, as it can support gut health. A study indicated that those who took a vitamin D supplement for six months reported a decrease in gastrointestinal issues, such as gas and bloating.

Natural sources of vitamin D include oily fish, like salmon and sardines, and egg yolks. Exposure to sunlight is the most efficient way to ensure adequate vitamin D levels, but supplementation can be helpful for those with limited sun exposure or a deficiency. Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels could lead to improved gut health and fewer gastrointestinal issues.

One study shows that people with IBS have significant improvements to gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating after taking vitamin D (50,000 IU) every two weeks.

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L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid that has several benefits for gut health, including:

  • Facilitating the construction and repair of gut cells
  • Regulating tight junctions to form a robust protective barrier
  • Promoting optimal gut barrier function
  • Supporting cell reproduction
  • Sustains the right balance gut microbiome.
  • Creates a strong surface of the intestinal lining
  • Minimizes the inflammatory response

The recommended dosage for L-Glutamine to alleviate bloating is 5 to 10 grams per day. Supplementing with L-Glutamine can fortify your gut barrier, thereby reducing the likelihood of bloating.


Packed with probiotics, eating yogurt can support and promote better gut health. As a matter of fact, medical studies have shown that eating yogurt can increase stool frequency.


Drinking water may seem counterintuitive, but it can also be helpful in eliminating fluid retention caused by eating too much salty food. You’d also want to drink more water to keep your gut healthy. And if you’re consuming fiber-rich foods, upping your water intake can prevent constipation and thus bloating. Drinking plenty of water also helps regulate how quickly your food moves through.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes break down the macronutrients in your food. When they are at optimal levels, food is digested properly. However, if it is low, well, expect to experience gas.

With digestive enzyme supplements, you are supporting the enzyme that is responsible for properly breaking down your meal. If you are sensitive to lactose or dairy products, a study shows that digestive enzymes can help too.

How to Choose the Right Supplement for Your Needs

Selecting a bloating supplement requires considering factors such as your digestive function, diet, and the balance of beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria in your digestive tract. Assess the ingredients, recommended dosage, form, and cost of each supplement to determine the best option for you.

Capsules, tablets, and powders are the three forms of bloating supplements available. All these supplements can be consumed to improve your health. When assessing prices, consider the ingredients used, the recommended dosage, the form of the product, and the cost to determine the most cost-effective option.

Choosing products manufactured by reliable companies and verified for purity and potency by independent organizations is essential. By carefully considering these factors, you can select the right supplement to help reduce bloating and support your digestive health.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Bloating

In addition to supplements, making lifestyle changes can help prevent bloating and improve overall digestive health. Some strategies to consider include:

  • Modifying your diet
  • Engaging in physical activity
  • Managing stress levels
  • Ensuring adequate hydration

By implementing these changes, you can alleviate bloating symptoms, reduce the risk of bloating, and promote better digestive health.

Consuming a healthy diet rich in fiber, avoiding carbonated beverages, and limiting intake of trigger foods such as:

  • salt
  • fatty foods
  • spicy foods
  • acidic foods

Regular exercise, such as walking or swimming, may help facilitate the passage of gas through the gut and promote a healthy gut microbiome, which can help you beat the bloat and provide help with bloating. Incorporating these activities into your routine can also relieve bloating over time.

Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or breathwork can help manage stress and contribute to better digestion. Incorporating these lifestyle changes may effectively prevent bloating and help maintain optimal digestive health.

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional

If bloating persists despite home remedies and causes digestive discomfort, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional. A healthcare provider can provide personalized recommendations for bloating relief by:

  • Assessing your diet
  • Recommending portion control
  • Suggesting diaphragmatic breathing exercises
  • Exploring a low FODMAP diet
  • Considering medication options
  • Encouraging hydration
  • Collaborating with other healthcare professionals

Your healthcare provider may order tests such as breath testing for SIBO, imaging tests like ultrasounds and CT scans, and blood tests to assist with diagnosing certain digestive issues for persistent bloating. Seeking professional guidance ensures that your bloating issues are properly addressed and you receive the appropriate treatment.


In conclusion, finding the right supplement and making lifestyle changes can significantly reduce bloating and improve digestive health. By exploring various supplements, such as probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and others, you can find the best solution for your specific needs. Additionally, implementing dietary modifications, regular exercise, stress management, and proper hydration can help prevent bloating and maintain a healthy digestive system. Don’t let bloating hold you back – take control of your gut health today and experience the relief you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which bloating supplement is best?

Based on the advice in the answers, we recommend the Zenwise Digestive Enzymes or Love Wellness Bye Bye Bloat supplement to support gut health and alleviate bloating.

What relieves bloating fast?

Take a walk, practice yoga poses, take peppermint or gas relief capsules, use abdominal massage or essential oils, and soak in a warm bath to relieve bloating fast.

Do supplements for bloating actually work?

Digestive enzyme supplements may help reduce bloating in some cases, while anti-bloating supplements such as magnesium citrate and senna leaf can also be effective. Prebiotics and probiotics, peppermint oil, and turmeric have also been found to help relieve bloating, though research on the efficacy of digestive enzyme supplements remains inconclusive.

Which probiotic is best for bloating and gas?

For alleviating bloating and gas, probiotic supplements containing Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Streptococcus thermophilus are suggested.

What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics in terms of digestive health?

Prebiotics nourish the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system while probiotics are live bacteria that promote digestive health when consumed.

What Is Bloating?

If your belly feels full and tight even when you haven’t eaten anything, you may be suffering from bloating, a condition wherein gas is present in your digestive system or gastrointestinal tract.

What Causes Bloat?

The typical cause of this uncomfortable and painful condition can be as simple as overeating. However, you can also become bloated when you eat too fast, you are on your period, suffering from constipation, or your diet consists of fatty or salty food.

There are many different things that can cause gas besides the food you eat. Bloating and gas are caused by chemical reactions in your body so there’s not much you could do to prevent it from happening! If someone has an injury to their GI Tract then they may be experiencing bloating as well because of this.

Other causes of gassiness include:

  • Swallowing too much air (like chewing gum)
  • Eating high fiber food like beans
  • Too much sugar
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Bowel or bladder blockage
  • Reflux (GERD)

How to get rid of bloating with foods

If you want to be bloat-free without taking supplements, you can try the following foods and drinks:

Final Thoughts

We hope you found this guide helpful. If you are looking for a supplement that can combat the bloat, always remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to find the right supplements for your body and digestion is through trial and error.

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